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Shirashulari Vajra Ras is used for the treatment of migraine and headache. This medicine improves the functioning of the nervous system, stimulates blood circulation and metabolism in the brain, calms the nervous system, relieves spasms of blood vessels and reduces pain.

Additionally, Shirashulari Vajra Ras helps to cleanse the body of toxins.


  • – Migraine
  • – Headache
  • – Nervous system tonic
  • – Blood vessel spasms
  • – Sedatives
  • – Detoxification of the body

Affect on doshas:

  • Regulates all three doshas


  • – Agnimanthi, Ganiari (Premna integrifolia): 1.82%
  • – Amla - Amalaki (Emblica officinails fruit): 4.85%
  • – Bael - Bilva (Aegle marmelos): 1.82%
  • – Brihati (Solanum indicum): 1.82%
  • – Ginger dry - Sunthi (Zingiber officinale): 1.82%
  • – Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris): 1.82%
  • – Haritaki - Harad (Terminalia chebula): 4.85%
  • – Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum): 1.82%
  • – Kashmaree, Gambhari (Gmelina arborea): 1.82%
  • – Kushta (Saussurea lappa): 1.82%
  • – Lauh bhasma (purified iron calx): 7.27%
  • – Liquorice - Yashtimadhu - Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra): 1.82%
  • – Patala, Parul (Stereospermum suaveolens): 1.82%
  • – Pippali (Piper longum fruit): 1.82%
  • – Prishnaparni (Uraria picta): 1.82%
  • – Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum): 1.82%
  • – Shudha Gandhak - S (purified and detoxified Sulfur): 7.27%
  • – Shudha Guggul (Commiphora mukul purified): 29%
  • – Shudha Parad - Hg (purified and detoxified Mercury): 7.27%
  • – Syonaka (Oroxilum indicum): 1.82%
  • – Tamra bhasma (Purified Copper calx): 7.27%
  • – Vibhitaki - Baheda (Terminalia bellcerica): 4.85%
  • – Vidanga (Embelia ribes): 1.82%
  • – Bhavna - Processed with: Dashamool kwath, Ghee q.s.
  • – Excipients: Acacia arabica, Talcum (manufacturer does not indicate weight, but usually it is ~ 25-30% of total weight)


  • 1-2 comprimés 2 times a day with warm water
  • or as directed by ayurvedic doctor.

Side effects:

  • Shirashuladi Vajra Ras Baidyanath has no side effects when it is used according to the information specified in the "Dosage" section.


  • – Breast feeding: take only as prescribed or under the supervision of a doctor.
  • – Pregnancy: take only as prescribed or under the supervision of a doctor.


  • Shirashuladi Vajra Ras Baidyanath has no precautions for use. However, there can be an individual intolerance to the components of the medicine.

Suitable for vegetarians/vegans:

  • vegetarians - yes, vegans - no.

Original name:

  • Shirashuladiwajra Ras, 40 comprimés Baidyanath.


    Shirashuladivajra Ras, Shirah Shooladi Vajra Ras, Shirah Shuladi Vajra Ras, Shir Shuladi Vajra Ras, Shirshuladivajra Ras.


  • Bhaishaj Ratnavali.

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