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Boswellia - Ginger shown in inflammatory diseases of the joints. This drug reduces pain, prevents the development of degenerative changes in cartilaginous structures, the circulation of synovial fluid, improves the condition of the tissues of the affected joint, contributes to the restoration of motor function.

Boswellia - Ginger combines in one pill properties of chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory and is a natural analogue of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


- diseases of joints (arthritis, polyarthritis, gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) in complex therapy;
- osteoarthritis and other degenerative joint disorders, which are accompanied by inflammation and pain;
- degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine (osteochondrosis);
- morning stiffness, limited mobility in the joints;
- increased load on the musculoskeletal system;
- injuries of the joints, musculoskeletal sprain.


standardized 65% Boswelia extract (Boswellia serata), concentrated powder of the roots of Ginger (Zingiber officinale).


2 comprimés 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Treatment-and-prophylactic course of 8-12 weeks, repeat if necessary.

Original title: Boswellia Ginger - Zinaksifit, 90 comprimés Danikafarm-Greenset.

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This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

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